
Friday, May 27, 2005

Pat Tillman's death

Pat Tillman died a hero. He lived a heroic life, and he died a hero. Those facts do not change, whether he died by enemy gunfire or from "friendly fire". He was doing a noble thing in the service of his country and on behalf of the freedom of others, and that can't be diminished by the source of the bullets that took his life.

While our hearts go out to his grieving parents, and we can try to understand their anger and frustration over the Army changing it's position from the initial reports that Tillman died from enemy fire, it's unfortunate that his father goes over the top by referring to a "botched homicide investigation" and saying "...they realized their recruiting efforts were going to go to hell in a handbasket... they blew up their poster boy".

Friendly-fire incidents have been around since the beginning of war, which means: from time immemorial. I'm sure that in the dust and chaos of hand-to-hand battle between warring cavemen (especially when weilding spears and those big spiked-clubs in dimly lit caves) that somebody stabbed or clubbed his comrade. It's a tragic reality of war.

And we do expect our military to be honest with us. Especially with the family of fallen servicemen and women. It's a tribute to our open and free society that we can even have that expectation, especially in contrast to most of the enemies we've ever faced in this nation's conflicts. So many of our foes have been governments that relied on deceit and abuse of power in the hands of a select few, and without a free press to hold them accountable. And no constitutional representative democracy through which people could have any hope of recourse if they were betrayed.

But we must not allow the confusion (intentional or not) about the cause of Tillman's death to overshadow the sacrifice he made, nor to diminish the gratitude we feel for it.

And I pray that (absent bitterness and resentment) his parents will be able, with the healing salve of time, to celebrate his life and his commitment, and the last full measure of devotion that he gave to all of us.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Will they ever Learn

Mr. Medved has done it again. This man has intelligence that unfortunately has escaped most of us. This article describes the phenomenon of Hollywood deserting the U.S. on a more and more regular basis.

Here's a teaser:
Sean Penn on America
I was brought up in a country that relished fear-based religion, corrupt government, and an entire white population living on stolen property that they murdered for and that is passed on from generation to generation.

And Oliver Stones words of Wisdom
This Darth-Vadian Empire of the United States must pay for its many sins in the future. I think America has to bleed. I think the corpses have to pile up. I think American boys have to die again. Let the mothers weep and mourn.

I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they each have their Stars, they have both earned them by Hollywood's standards!

If they need a story to inspire a new movie, I think that Mr. M (not Medved by the way) and his family would Love to have their story shared. I suppose though that it would be way to uplifting and positive for Hollywood to tell, besides, it wouldn't do very well in France.

This makes me wonder if Hollyweird will ever realize how much they have alienated the U.S. public. So now we finaly learn that movies now costing $8-10 is not because of inflation, rather because Hollywood has driven more than 25 million viewers out of the theaters, and are frantically trying to make up for the loss. I can only hope that they someday apply for independent nation status, and rid us of themselves. Because its a shame to see an entire group of pepole so excited to point out the negatives of a country that they have gained so much from.
For those of you who didn't read Mr. Medved's article, I leave you with his amazing closing statement:

People like the gentleman I had on my radio show today love to say that “Violence never solved anything.” But what solved Hitler? Was it a team of social workers? Was it putting daisies into the gun barrels of Nazi Panzer divisions? Was it a commission that tried to understand what made Hitler so angry? No. What solved Hitler was violence. And what will solve the problem of Islamo-fascist terrorism, I’m sorry to say, is not understanding, negotiation, conferences, social workers, daisies, or anything other than the heroic violence of brave men and women with guns, fighting selflessly for their country—this greatest nation on God’s green earth.
~Michael Medved


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

more Scrappleface

If you haven't checked out this site yet, do so-for sarcastic humor with a really edge of reality: http://www.scrappleface.com/

Here's a sample from a few days ago:

Baghdad Mosque Closings Spark Weapons Shortage
by Scott Ott
(2005-05-21) -- Since Friday's announcement by a Sunni Muslim cleric that Baghdad's Sunni Mosques would close for three days to protest killings blamed on Iraqi security forces, consumers said they're struggling to find alternate sources for weaponry.
"My children and I stood on line at a back-alley dealer for seven hours just to buy mortar rounds," said one unnamed local resident. "My uncle just called and he's got one rocket-propelled grenade left, and has completely exhausted his family's supply of roadside bombs."
Indeed, industry sources report that the price of all kinds of small armaments jumped 73 percent within minutes of the announcement that the mosques would close.
"When you get an improvised explosive device at the mosque, you can rely on the quality," said one unnamed regular customer. "But a lot of the stuff you buy on the street is shoddy work that might send you to Allah before you get to the crowd of infidels. I think we're going to see a lot of second-rate martyrdom work until the mosques re-open."


Uh oh, this can't be good...

That was my thought when I saw John McCain standing next to Robert Byrd, as they announced their compromise on the issue of Senate filibusters of appellate judicial nominees: (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7962734/)

Reminds me of the Groucho Marx quote about not wanting to join any club that would accept himself as a member. If Robert Byrd, the former Ku Klux Klan leader, is involved, it can't be too beneficial for the Republicans.

This, of course, is the loophole that even Michael Moore could run thru:
The agreement said future judicial nominees should “only be filibustered under extraordinary circumstances,” with each senator — presumably the Democrats — holding the discretion to decide when those conditions had been met.

Isn't that special... Each senator holds the discretion to decide. Each senator...gets to decide!
Of what value is that "rule"?!?

So Bush gets three of his nominees-uh oh, not so fast, there! He gets to have a vote on his three, but no gaurantees after that...!


Friday, May 20, 2005

Poor Saddam, in his whitey-tighties

Gosh darn it, but I feel bad for poor 'ol Saddam: (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7917696/?GT1=6542) I mean, it's almost, nearly, just about, practically, approaching the neighborhood of the slight blushing from embarassment that many of us felt when we saw the Arab press broadcast the photos of
our MURDERED and torched serviceman's corpses being draped from that bridge, fer crissakes!!!

If a snapshot of this fascist-totalitarian-tyrannical-murderous monster in his undies is really that upsetting for some, then perhaps they should just pretend he's in his Speedo's. All is well!

Furthermore, perhaps we've happened upon a tool that can be used by the coalition forces as a quick litmus test of Saddam loyalty or opposition: show the Britian Sun's photo of Saddam to someone; if they chuckle or show approval or even disinterest they are one of us; if they get upset or enraged they are one of them. A real simple test for an us vs. them indicator.

And as a quick aside, I must say that I think Saddam is looking pretty fit- a lean, mean blighting machine.

Update (5-26-05) I just saw this post by the brilliant Gerard Van der Leun about this:
http://americandigest.org/mt-archives/005486.php You might like it...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Shocking new idea: Men and women are different

Is this just another bigoted, misogenist, small-minded, patriarchal attempt by a bunch of old, white men to discriminate against women, to lord-it-over them, to deny them their full rights and opportunities as equal citizens? : (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7909442/)

Au contraire! (Pardon my French...)

This is our duly elected representatives acting responsibly on behalf of our American values and expressing the wishes of the citizenry that elected them.

And respecting the proper role of our military, which (to steal from Rush) is to kill people and break things. In pursuit of our liberty.


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Defining the Left

Now I know that some of you may be thinking that this is impossible to do considering their neurotic thought processes and constant blowing in the wind, but after some careful observation and thought, I believe that I have nailed down some of the key requirements for one to consider themselves a ___________ (insert: Democrat, Liberal, Leftist, Socialist, Progressive, Utopian, . . .).

· You must believe that a hunter in northern Minnesota doesn’t care about the outdoors, but a pale skinned coffee shop employee who has never set a foot outside of Seattle does.

· You must believe that a convicted felon deserves a warm meal and comfortable living, while a developing baby (or fetus for those of you who don’t want to attach value to her/him) should be readily available for scientific or medical exploitation and termination.

· You must believe that individuals are too ignorant to solve their own problems, but if you a funnel money into the hands of a select group of those ignoramuses, our problems should be solved by about noon tomorrow.

· You must believe that our twice democratically elected president is an evil war mongering dictator who should be removed from power immediately, but that Saddam Hussein is just misunderstood and should be left alone.

· You must believe that FDR was a genius for creating an optional Social Security Plan, but that President Bush is an idiot for trying to create an option within Social Security.

· You must believe that Rush Limbaugh is an overweight loudmouth, but Michael Moore is a cinematic wonder on a mission to spread truth and justice throughout the land.

· You must hold demonstrations, marches, and rallies celebrating advancements in voting rights in America, and then hold demonstrations, marches, and rallies to protest those same advancements in another country.

. You must believe that our problem in America is that we place too much value on the color of someone’s skin, and that the solution to that problem is to celebrate someone based on the color of their skin

Wel, I think I've come pretty close. Let me know if anyone comes up with more, and I will no doubt be adding some as the Minnesota Legislative session comes to an end.


P.S. Happy Birthday!!

Monday, May 16, 2005

MSM blows it again

This time Newsweek gets the prize for Most Appalling Lack of Journalistic Integrity. At least Dan Blather's shameful "gotcha-rush" didn't result in riots and murder.

The story: (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050516/ap_on_re_us/newsweek_quran_13)






With even the slightest understanding of how allegations of Qur'an-desecration (whether true or not) would be perceived and exploited in the Muslim world, Michael Isikoff, John Barry, and editor Mark Whitaker should have been more diligent, cautious, thorough, and responsible before going to print with such an explosive and damaging report. Responsible, being the key word, the imperative value, the primary principle guiding all journalism.

Well, these three may be responsible now: responsible for at least 16 deaths, over 100 injuries, riots, and world wide undeserved contempt for America. Though Newsweek has retracted it's story, it cannot retract the damage that's been done to our honor and respect.


Thursday, May 12, 2005

That Robin Hood comparison

As Adam pointed out (and, since this has bothered me, I've pointed out to numerous people for years now), Robin Hood did not steal from the rich and give to the poor; he did steal from a corrupt government and returned the money to the people who produced the wealth, who toiled in their fields and barns and shops, etc. to create the wealth.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Barely Hanging on!

According to the Left that is, and by "the Left", of course I mean both the Star Trib, and the likes of Dean Johnson. Here's links to the story I'm talking about, as a well as a chart:

As well as a few points I found interesting.

"It just shows that this digging in of the heels by both sides is expected, and maybe not all that unpopular," Olson (co-publisher of the newsletter Politics in Minnesota) said.

Whoa!!! You mean that people might actually prefer politicians standing up for what they believe in, and stricking to the platforms the voters put them there based on? Bad, bad news for the left. Sorry guys, maybe something else will work out for you.

But DFL Senate Majority Leader Dean Johnson said the poll reflects Pawlenty's appealing personality and should not be taken as an endorsement of Pawlenty's program...

Ohhhhh, and that must mean that we don't ike Mr. Johnson simply because we don't like his personality, and it has nothing to do with him being a socialist lefty obstructionist. Thanks for clearing that up Dean, I was confused for a moment there. When will the Left realize that it takes more than a pretty face and catchy slogans to get the job done. People like our wonderful Govenor because he's finally putting a limit on the spending in the state where nothing is allowed, but you're going to be taxed for it anyway!

Typifying Pawlenty disapprovers was Michele Dukinfield, a 54-year-old registered nurse from Roseville. As she sees it, Pawlenty is "attempting to take Minnesota hard to the right. He's cutting essential services to people who can least afford it, he's a reverse Robin Hood."
"A big reason his approval has remained high is that the right wing has successfully turned any report of his poor performance into a question of liberal media bias," Dukinfield said. "He is attractive ... like a piece of chocolate silk pie, but good only in small servings and not really good for your health."

Hmmm...Sounds like someone has a crush...Tim must be flattered to be compared to such a delicatesen. Besides, isn't he doing exactly what our beloved Robin Hood did, taking money from a greedy government and giving it back to the people.

When will they ever learn?


I stand Corrected!

Silly me, here I thought that the liberal university I attend for only a few thousand dollars a year would serve as the inspiration for most of my posts. I should have realized that with the Red Star being the most circulated newspaper in the state, that it, not my school, would provide daily inspirations. (although I admit it is the end of a semester, and I haven't been posting on exactly a daily basis) I will try to get a few posted tonight.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Bill Clinton's new campaign

So this is what Bill Clinton wants to invest his time in now? (From the London TimesOnline)

Well, at least it'll keep him outa trouble.
And, it's not like he can't also contribute to the effort on spreading democracy and freedom around the world, too. I mean, his ability to multitask was well documented. (See Starr Report.)

Thursday, May 05, 2005

More links

For anyone interested, here are some links to merchandise worth a look:

http://www.thoseshirts.com/ Conservative humor and liberty-themed tee shirts.

http://yaf.org/catalog/default.htm For Young America's Foundation, a few good posters, etc.

http://www.lifelibertyetc.com/ For the really pro-gun folks, some great items.

http://shop.store.yahoo.com/freedomhq/index.html Freedom HQ, a very nice selection
with a wider array than most sites, even the texts of freedom documents.

http://www.walmart.com/music_downloads/introToServices.do With the machines I make at
my company, this Walmart service lets you pick from 500,000+ songs to make your own CD.

https://www.donationreport.com/init/controller/ProcessEntryCmd?key=C1P3Y2N7P9 Extensive selection of books, mainly, from FrontPage magazine.

http://www.foundingfathers.info/ A fabulous place to learn, soak-up and celebrate the founding of our nation, with tons of stuff online. This will become one of my favorites, I'm sure.
I'm not advertising for anyone, just recommending.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Brain damage mysteries

This is from an AP story today:

ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. - Nearly 9½ years after a firefighter was left brain-damaged and mostly mute during a 1995 roof collapse, he did something that shocked his family and doctors: He asked for his wife.
Staff members of the nursing home where Donald Herbert has lived for more than seven years raced to get Linda Herbert on the telephone.
It was the first of many conversations the patient had with his wife, four sons and other family and friends Saturday during a 14-hour stretch, Herbert’s uncle Simon Manka said.
“How long have I been away?” Herbert asked.
“We told him almost 10 years,” the uncle said. “He thought it was only three months.”

Herbert, who will turn 44 Saturday, was fighting a house fire Dec. 29, 1995, when the roof collapsed, burying him under debris. After going without air for several minutes, Herbert was comatose for 2 1/2 months and has undergone therapy ever since.
Video shows him receiving physical therapy but apparently unable to communicate and with little awareness of his surroundings. **Not unlike Terri Schiavo, in expression. Brad **

“He stayed up ’til early morning talking with his boys and catching up on what they’ve been doing over the last several years,” firefighter Anthony Liberatore told WIVB-TV.
Herbert’s sons were 14, 13, 11 and 3 when he was injured.

Dr. Rose Lynn Sherr of New York University Medical Center said when patients recover from brain injuries, they usually do so within two or three years.
“It’s almost unheard of after 10 years,” she said, “but sometimes things do happen and people suddenly improve and we don’t understand why.” **We are fearfully and wonderfully made Psalm 139**

“The extent and duration of his recovery is not known at this time,” Manka said. “However we can tell you he did recognize several family members and friends and did call them by name.”

There have been a few other widely publicized examples of brain-damage patients showing sudden improvement after a number of years.
In 2003, an Arkansas man, Terry Wallis, returned to consciousness 19 years 19 years! after he was injured in a car accident, stunning his mother by saying “Mom” and then asking for a Pepsi. His brain function remained limited, his family said months later.
Tennessee police officer Gary Dockery, who was brain damaged in a 1988 shooting, began speaking to his family one day in 1996, telling jokes and recounting annual winter camping trips. But after 18 hours, he never repeated the unbridled conversation of that day, though he remained more alert than he had been. He died the following year of a blood clot on his lung.

(I'm reminded of the movie "Awakenings" and the true story of several catatonic (after an encounter with encephalitis) patients that were given the drug L-Dopa in 1969 and temporarily awakened from their zombie-like existence of many years. Those people were in there all that time, trapped inside their own bodies, betrayed by an illness that robbed them of their ability to function normally. If you haven't seen this film by Penny Marshall, you owe it to yourself (plus Robin Williams and Robert De Niro) to do so and be inspired.)

We need to look for the humanity in others. To see the spark of the Divine that dwells in all of us. From the most comatose and brain-damaged "vegetables" like Terri Schiavo, may she rest in peace, to the most gifted, able-bodied, and celebrated among us. Well, we don't need to look for it in the latter. And, sometimes the divine part may escape detection, especially in the celebrated...

And, never give up hope- not 'til that last breath is drawn! "Hope springs eternal in the human breast.."

Monday, May 02, 2005

Those Republicans and their Damn Tax Breaks...

While we are on this oh so wonderful idea of providing tax breaks for the people who deserve them, try this one on for size, it is one I have been trying to find the time to pitch to Rep. Dan Severson, or any other Representative I might run into.

The Healthy Living Tax Credit.

Let’s face it, a society in which the government does not cover some of the health care, or subsidize carriers that give poor people a lower premium is not by any stretches of the imagination a feasible plan. And so if we are doomed to forever picking up part of the tab for health care throughout the nation, we might as well figure out a way to reduce spending on health care. The best way to reduce the amount of money spent on health care (with the exception possibly of reducing frivolous lawsuits) is to encourage people to stay healthy. So, what I am proposing is a tax break for those citizens actively seeking a healthy lifestyle through the means of health clubs.

Health Clubs are expensive, and the average American cannot afford to spare the $60 a month it costs to join one. What if then, we offer a tax credit of up to $500 for those who join a club and then attend on a regular basis. The "regular basis" part could be set up by the law making bodies to be 6-8 times a month. With a simple report from your health club, along with the receipts of payment, one would be eligible for a rebate for the amount of the club, up to and no more than $500. This way the government is making it easier for people to stay healthy, there fore spending less on medicine. This would directly target those citizens without insurance who wouldn't be able to afford a health club, or the medical charges incurred while being unhealthy.

It seems perfectly workable to me, and out of pure self interest, I like the idea of getting reimbursed for something I will no doubt spend thousands of dollars on throughout my lifetime.


Hello there Blogosphere

Well...I am that fine young man that many of you have no doubt been anxiously awaiting the first bits of wisdom. Seriously though, he gives me too much credit. A am no worldly scholar, acclaimed prophet, or even seasoned analyst. I am simply a conservative, common sense minded college sophomore (for two more weeks!!) who is fed up with the liberal indoctrination taking place on our campuses, on our TV's, and through our media. I am sick of seeing liberal Hollywood elitists spewing their ill-informed mouths on and on about a topic that we quite frankly don't want to hear their opinion on (Shut Up and Sing!!), and I am sick of Democrats complaining without providing solutions.

Anyway, it is true that I am a member of the St. Cloud State College Republicans, and as of last week am now the President of said group. This university will provide me with much inspiration with the weekly nonsense taking place. From electing a male homecoming QUEEN, to voting to kick the military recruiters off campus, if it can be dreamed up (or cause you to wake up with cold sweats and night tremors) it has been done, or will be done in the future.

So, enough with the introduction, I look forward to sharing my feeble minded opinion with any of you who happen to trip up on a link to this site, or come here on your own. And I also look forward to hearing from those of you who love me, despise me, or both (in some awkward yet I suppose conceivable manner).


Tax deductions for mixed-race marriages

As a conservative, I'm generally opposed to cultural-engineering by government. But it would be disingenuous to deny that a presumption of almost any policy or law is it's affect on the larger culture.
The tax code, in all it's complexity, diversity, and the specificity with which it rewards or punishes, is a common example of how we can encourage or discourage certain behaviors. Our elected officials can and do utilize this tool of monetary manipulation in a multitude of ways that reflect our collective cultural values.
One of the most basic items is the standard deduction for dependents. To care for another,(usually one's own child/children) to provide shelter and food, educational and medical needs, is a noble and valuable contribution to society's common welfare. This act of personal philanthropy, although usually done out of love and/or a sense of duty, is acknowledged as a benefit to society and, therefore, rewarded with a tax deduction.

Which brings me to my point: the world will be a better place when mankind is so blended in our bloodlines that you can't tell what ethnicity someone is. And to promote this almost inevitable (albeit distant) and most welcome and glorious homogenizing of humankind, the United States of America could encourage and reward the natural parents of mixed-race children by offering an additional targeted tax deduction. This concrete expression of our appreciation for the struggles they and their children are likely to encounter with some small-minded bigots, perhaps within their own families, would affirm their contribution to the unifying of the human race.
We exempt churches from taxation because we believe their contribution to society is beneficial.
We exempt non-profit organizations from across a wide range of interests, similarly.

In fact, you may be quite surprised to learn about just how generous (to use an ironic term when referring to the U.S. Tax Code) we our with the variety of investments and activities that we encourage by allowing deductions or exemptions from income and property taxes.
Take a look for yourself at (http://www.fourmilab.ch/ustax/ustax.html) and do a search of almost any activity or thing and see if the results pertain to some way in which the code is amended to accommodate the interests of some very select groups. You might say special. As in special interests. Or special interest groups.
While acknowledging that many somebodies had many lobbyists fighting to secure these many exemptions, allowances, and deductions, the pursuits they represent were judged by our elected officials to be of some benefit to the country at large, and therefore worthy of special consideration.

I believe that we can accelerate the march toward realizing Martin Luther King Jr.'s beautiful dream, when we are judged not by the color of our skin- but by the content of our character, and, at the very least, make a statement of support for the princple of unity, by helping to erase the most common and at the same time the most superficial and insignificant barrier we place between ourselves: race.
Although none of us will live to see it, the dream could be only a few generations away.

A precious child I have mentored is the beautiful result of a relationship between a white and a black. If she were to fall in love some day and actually get married, please God, to a man of, let's say asian and hispanic parentage, and they were blessed with children, this one union would result in the mingling of the four most distinct "races". (Not that anyone should ever try to orchestrate such an arrangement- we're not God, afterall! I'm just saying "what if...")
If we could multiply this situation by all the combinations- if we could influence our young people to think more broadly in their choices of whom they might desire to make a family with- we could saturate society with a multitude of citizens that would shatter the false constructs we've struggled against for generations.

And then, we eliminate legal recognition of race.

Gone, would be the insidious practice of categorizing ourselves by skintone. No longer would we have to check a box on applications, surveys, and government documents that try to pigmentally parse people.
Tossed on the ash heap of history, the concept of "race" (and the advantage or disadvantage
it carried) would no longer confer status of any kind to an individual.

I know, I know: I'm a dreamer.
And, of course, there are those who will quickly protest that it's not just skin color at issue here- it's culture. The distinct culture of a particular people-group; a people-group most distinctly identified by: outward appearance.
But, what is culture? From the American Heritage Dictionary: " The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought." And: "The predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group or organization." Where does melanin come in?
So then, you might point to the shape of facial features or the texture/color of hair as a differentiating factor. Of what importance are these? And why cling to notions of difference at all?

I say, let us cast off the bondage of difference. Let us shed the shackles of segregationism in our own minds. And more than that, let us affirm the goal of unity--let us take action to achieve that goal. Now, that's affirmative action we should continue.