Shocking new idea: Men and women are different
Is this just another bigoted, misogenist, small-minded, patriarchal attempt by a bunch of old, white men to discriminate against women, to lord-it-over them, to deny them their full rights and opportunities as equal citizens? : (
Au contraire! (Pardon my French...)
This is our duly elected representatives acting responsibly on behalf of our American values and expressing the wishes of the citizenry that elected them.
And respecting the proper role of our military, which (to steal from Rush) is to kill people and break things. In pursuit of our liberty.
Au contraire! (Pardon my French...)
This is our duly elected representatives acting responsibly on behalf of our American values and expressing the wishes of the citizenry that elected them.
And respecting the proper role of our military, which (to steal from Rush) is to kill people and break things. In pursuit of our liberty.
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