
Monday, May 16, 2005

MSM blows it again

This time Newsweek gets the prize for Most Appalling Lack of Journalistic Integrity. At least Dan Blather's shameful "gotcha-rush" didn't result in riots and murder.

The story: (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050516/ap_on_re_us/newsweek_quran_13)






With even the slightest understanding of how allegations of Qur'an-desecration (whether true or not) would be perceived and exploited in the Muslim world, Michael Isikoff, John Barry, and editor Mark Whitaker should have been more diligent, cautious, thorough, and responsible before going to print with such an explosive and damaging report. Responsible, being the key word, the imperative value, the primary principle guiding all journalism.

Well, these three may be responsible now: responsible for at least 16 deaths, over 100 injuries, riots, and world wide undeserved contempt for America. Though Newsweek has retracted it's story, it cannot retract the damage that's been done to our honor and respect.



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