
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Obama wants to use diplomacy with these people?

Israel National News recently reported that Hamas' "Minister of Culture", Atallah Abu Al-Subh, called our Secretary of State a "black serpent" in a local TV interview. "With the arrival of that black scorpion with a cobra's head, Condoleezza, I began to worry that she would use her venomous fangs and hiss to kill this initiative and new spirit that we should protect," he said.

Abu Al-Subh continued: "The arrival of Condoleezza Rice is not a good sign... Condoleezza Rice, you are not welcome. Every proud Palestinian views you as a murderer, and sees the blood of the children of Palestine between your lips and on your fangs. I pray to Allah that you will soon slither away, along with your master who is more Zionist than the Zionists, that murderer and criminal, whose place in history is more advanced than that of Nero, Hulagu, Genghis Khan, Timor the Lame, Hitler, and Mussolini, and before them that of Nimrod -- that criminal murderer, little Bush, who is striving to fan the flames in this region."

How in the world would an Obama administration begin to have diplomatic discussions with such people?

Before addressing the radical mindset that produces such unenlightened thoughts, the crude, 7th century trashtalk itself deserves comment:

What the hell...?!?

What an ignorant, juvenile, archaic culture he's attempting to administer.

The isolated, hateful, deprived and depraved organization that created and nurtured him, and which he now helps to lead, produces that kind of paranoid delusional mindset. Many Palestinians and the people within groups like Hamas are forever blaming the tiny island of democracy that is Israel for all of their self-inflicted pathologies and their stagnant societies.

"Black serpent with a scorpion's head"..."her venomous fangs and hiss"..."the blood of the children of Palestine between your lips and on your fangs"..."I pray to Allah that you will soon slither away." How would Barack Obama even hope to begin reasoning with people that think this way? The truth is, you can't reason with them. You must neutralize or defeat them. Diplomacy doesn't work with everybody. Promoting the dangerously niave policy that we should engage in diplomatic talks with all of our enemies, or our allies' enemies, is one of the many reasons that underscore why Barack Obama isn't ready to lead this country.


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