New York's Hugo Chavez: Rep. Maurice Hinchey

The citizens of the 22nd Congressional District must have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for candidates to represent them in Congress, since they've sent this idiot to Washington DC for eight terms now. Perhaps there are too many hippies still hanging around the "artists' enclave of Woodstock" in his district. Or just chalk-one-up for the power of incumbency. Whatever the cause, Hinchey, (the 1st word to describe him on his home page is "progressive", read: SOCIALIST) is the moron that wrongly, and malevolently, accused President Bush and Karl Rove of orchestrating the Rathergate episode, which I blogged about here.
Today he put his foot in his mouth again, ignorantly making more false claims he can't possibly back up, as well as exposing his collectivist desires.
In a press release responding to President Bush's call for more domestic oil exploration, Hinchey ignorantly claimed "...68 million untouched acres (already leased to oil companies) could produce an additional 4.8 million barrels of oil and 44.7 billion cubic feet of natural gas each day, nearly double current domestic oil production." With no substantiation for his predictions, he further disgraces himself by citing his Leftist-paranoid conspiracy theory: "The oil companies are simply sitting on those 68 million acres until oil prices rise to $200 or $300 a barrel when they can make even greater profits at the expense of Americans," and that the president is colluding with them in " attempt by oil companies to grab as much federal land as they can before one of, if not the most, oil-friendly administration leaves office."
When asked about the subject of oil refinery capacity (because leftist tree huggers like Hinchey haven't allowed any new refineries to be built in 30 years), Comrade Hinchey endorsed the Socialist goal of taking over and nationalizing the privately owned oil refineries in this country. Such a power grab would draw either warm applause from fellow traveler Hugo Chavez, or his ire because of Commie-competition, which is a bit of an oxymoron, and rather ironic.
If Comrade Hinchey and Rahm Emanuel happen to know where to drill on those 68 million acres to get at the oil deposits that may or may not be there, perhaps they should tell us. What geological survey can they cite that indicates the oil companies are greedily sitting on known reserves? Like his source for knowing that President Bush faked his own would-be-damaging National Guard records, Hinchey "just knows it".
It's hard to decide which is worse: the hypocrisy of Leftists whining about gas prices when they are the ones who've blocked any expansion of domestic discovery and building refineries (not to mention nuclear power stations), or the Socialist tendencies to have the government take control over anything they want use of.
As if the government would run the refineries more efficiently...?!?
06/19/08 UPDATE: I just ran across this PRICELESS video of the CLUELESS Maxine Waters (by the way, who the hell keeps electing this mentally-challenged fool?) threatening Big Oil to take'em over!
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