(( I started this post May 4, and, in looking over my Drafts, decided to just bang out a conclusion and get it posted, forwhatitsworth.))The continuing ignorance or obstinance (I don't know which is more troubling) by the Left of not recognizing that the Vietnam war was really just a theater of World War III, the war against Communist expansion, is being repeated now in World War IV, the war against Islamofascist terrorism.They've been at war with us for decades. We've finally responded, under the leadership of George W. Bush.
1979 Tehran US Embassy seized
1983 Beirut US Embassy bombed 63 killed
1983 Beirut US Marine Hdqtrs bombed 241 killed
1983 Kuwait US Embassy bombed
1984 Beirut US Embassy bombed
1985 Madrid restuarant/soldiers bombed
1985 Rhein-Main US AF bombed 22 killed
1985 Achille Lauro hijacked (Leon Klinghoffer murdered)
1986 TWA flight 840 bombed 4 killed
1988 Pan Am flight 103 Lockerbie bombed 259 killed
1993 Langley VA CIA Hdqtrs shooting 2 CIA agents killed
1993 NY WTC garage bombed 6 killed and over 1000 injured
1995 Riyadh US military complex bombed 7 killed
1996 Dhahran the Khobar Towers destroyed,
........19 killed and over 500 injured
2000 Yemen USS Cole bombed 17 sailors killed
2001 September 11 WTC destroyed, Pentagon attacked.... almost 3000 killed
Over a year ago, Norman Podhoretz published a comprehensive analysis of this battle in the pages of Commentary magazine, comprehensively titled "World War IV: How It Started, What It Means, and Why We Have to Win". It is well worth the investment of time it will take you to read and absorb. (Print it, punch the pages, and bind it) Consider it as an assignment of citizenship.Brad