
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Democrats continue CRAPASS

In the latest installment of their Corrupt-Republican Abuse-of-Power Accusations and Scandal Strategy, the Democrats accuse the Bush Administration of unethical behavior (perhaps even illegal) in the replacement of eight U.S. Attorneys.
Ignoring the president's perfectly legal privilege to hire and fire the attorneys at his own discretion with no action-criteria required, the Dems have made more C.R.A.P. charges against the beleaguered Bush Administration and it's performance of routine duties.
Not since Richard Nixon occupied the Oval Office, have we seen such frequent accusations of corrupt Republican abuses of power.

The C.R.A.P. charge is now the first line of criticism in the Democratic response to almost everything the Administration (and by extension, every Republican) does. Ranging in topics from elections, disaster relief, and airline security, to energy policy, national defense, and hunting accidents, C.R.A.P. accusations are automatically implied or made outright to every decision made and action taken by President Bush or anyone in his administration.
Rather than offering simple disagreement with the president's actions and suggesting alternate options, the Dems have chosen to go the route of character assassination by attempting to scandalize them by accusing Bush and others of unethical and even illegal tactics.

Whether CRAPASS is the brainchild of James Carville (the Clinton's most loyal C.R.A.P. claimant) or Howard Dean (the pugnacious and diminutive DNC chair who oozes with C.R.A.P. accusations), is unclear, but what is clear is that, years ago, the Dems decided to launch a relentless campaign of constant accusations of corruption and abuse-of-power by Republicans.
Their plan has been to burden and distract the administration with C.R.A.P. claims with such frequency, intensity, and duration, and on almost every action, that the average voter will grow weary from it all, assume that at least some of the claims must have merit, and will vote for the Democrats just to stop their flow of C.R.A.P. accusations.



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