The new Beavis & Butthead, or Madmen on the rise?

The primary reason that this nation can ill afford to ever allow liberals to regain majority control in the Senate, the Congress, and (God forbid) the Whitehouse, is that they would not have the faintest idea about how to properly handle the threat to our republic (and the free world) that is posed by an ascension to power by madmen such as the delutionally psychotic darlings of the U.N., Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuala's Hugo Chavez.
Their back-to-back low rent rants against President Bush and we "imperialist Americans" this week would better fit the spirit of the Warped Tour than the United Nations General Assembly. Indeed, they could easily be dismissed as a couple of insignificant two-bit buffoons, the Beavis & Butthead of world leaders, were it not for the fact that one has his hand on the spigot to 11% of our nation's oil imports, and the other is trying to aquire nuclear weapons.