
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Is the DNC ghostwriting for Ahmadinejad?

(Or, could it be...........Ted Kaczynski ?)

Despite its high school-quality argumentation and prose, this translated letter from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to President Bush resembles some of our Fever Swamp Left's lamest examples of paranoid propaganda.

Or maybe because of it.

Clearly a kindred spirit to many of this country's Bush-haters, Ahmadinejad penned the rambling 18 pager (morphing from one topic to another) without consulting his nation's parliament about its content.
And what content it has!
In a stream-of-consciousness manner, the former teacher resonates most of the Gore/Dean/Kennedy/Bin Laden/Soros/Reid/Pelosi/Kerry talking points on the evils of the Bush Administration, and western democratic capitalism in general:

"...lives, reputations and possessions of people destroyed..."
"...sanctity of private homes of citizens broken..."
"...the country pushed back perhaps fifty years..."
"...tens of thousands of young men and women – as occupation troops – put in harms way..."
"...taken away from family and love ones, their hands stained with the blood of others, subjected to so much psychological pressure that everyday some commit suicide and those returning home suffer depression, become sickly and grapple with all sorts of aliments; while some are killed and their bodies handed to their families."
"On the pretext of the existence of WMDs...
"...no WMDs existed to begin with..."
"...throughout the many years of the … war on Iran Saddam was supported by the West."
"...prisoners in Guantanamo Bay that have not been tried, have no legal representation, their families cannot see them..."
"...the existence of secret prisons in Europe..."
And then, of course, there's Israel. There's always Israel:
"...many questions about the phenomenon of Israel..."
"...sixty years ago such a country did no exist... (looking at)"old documents and globes..."
"...try as we have, we have not been able to find a country named Israel."
My, but that's precious sarcasm, is it not? (Those jackasses still don't have Israel on their maps.)
"...study the history of WWI and II..."
"After the war, they claimed that six million Jews had been killed..."
"Does that logically translate into the establishment of the state of Israel in the Middle East...?"
"A regime has been established which does not show mercy even to kids,
destroys houses while the occupants are still in them, announces beforehand
its list and plans to assassinate Palestinian figures and keeps
thousands of Palestinians in prison."

Eventually, Ahmadinejad moves on to our oppressive (and probably envy-driven) criticism of Iran's wonderful technology sector:

"Why is it that any technological and scientific achievement

reached in the Middle East regions is translated into and

portrayed as a threat to the Zionist regime?

Aside from the Middle Ages, in what other point in history

has scientific and technical progress been a crime?"

My apologies to those who hate long posts, but this Unabomber-like letter deserves even more excerpting, so this post will grow, or I'll continue on another date....

Given his penchant for long, rambling, multi-pronged missives, perhaps Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber) is writing under Ahmadinejad's name....

And given the Iranian president's copious facial hair, I'll heretofore reference him as Unibrower. (It's easier to spell, mainly.)


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Unseen Hand, all too visible

Once again we see the results of liberal social-engineering backfiring (if one cares to see it that way), with the disparity between female and male college graduation rates.

57 percent are women. That would leave, oh-let's say around 43 percent: men.
If it were 55/45 would they be happy? 53/47? 51/49? Or, will only a 50/50 ratio satisfy?

Why, exactly, is it necessary that we even have equitable representation of both genders (and mark my words: liberals will eventually demand graduation/employment ratios for G/L/B/T's too-- you know it's coming!) for awarding degrees? As long as everyone has the same OPPORTUNITY to attend college- legally the same opportunity - then our government and colleges have done their jobs, in this matter.

Perhaps it's time for the establishment liberals in academia to STOP TINKERING with the damn enrollment process, hoping to achieve a college population to fit some dreamy formula they have. Let the best students (regardless of race, creed, color, gender, age, or physical ability) get the opportunity at the limited openings available at most colleges.

And then there's this unsurprising (to some folks) analysis of the educational outcomes between the sexes: "In a new Manhattan Institute study we find that females graduate high school at substantially higher rates than males." (National Review Online, 04-19-06) And both genders are struggling somewhat, as the study reports, "...while an already low 72 percent of female students graduate from high school, only 65 percent of male students earned a diploma."
