Real blaphsemy vs. imaged ones
While fundamentalist Muslims riot, destroy, and kill people
over the noninflammatory cartoons in Europe, this image ->->
of REAL blasphemy should never leave our consciousness.

Do Muslims worry about what THIS tells the world about Islam?

How does this treatment of a REAL human being compare to
cartoon images of the "prophet" Mohammad?
This Wikipedia page shows the cartoons that have sparked the massive Muslim protests, riots, destruction, threats of violence, and several murders. And here's another link, to a page from Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists Index, a fairly useful clearinghouse of political cartoons.
I especially like the clarity of this item by John Sherffius:
This entire ordeal makes me want to go out and see Albert Brooks' latest film, Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World, to see if he actually found any. I'm doubtful.
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