
Thursday, April 28, 2005

a change in this blog

Well, helllloooo ! Where the hell have I been, you ask. Or maybe not. And, if you asked it, anyway, it wouldn't be "where the hell have I been", it would be "where the hell have you been", wouldn't it, now. Anyway...

My son, Adam, will be attempting to liven this site up and improve the traffic, once his fellow College Republicans discover the site, by contributing items as he sees fit and has time for. I welcome the other voice to the podium.
This soapbox (to switch metaphors) has not been stood upon in some time, and was at risk of blowing away in some of these strong spring gusts that have been buffeting us up here.

I'll leave his introduction up to him, or at least check with him about what he may want included or excluded before I write one. I'll just say for now that he's a fine young man, of whom I'm very proud.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

By their deeds you shall know them...

In reading an email from my state GOP Newsline (http://www.mngop.com/) it struck me: how rare a thing it would be to see a Democrat politician leading a rally at his state's capitol to promote the idea of keeping taxes under control. I know that this isn't any great revelation, but when you ponder on it, one of the main distinguishing goals between the two parties is driven home with a force that should stay with you.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Imperator Decertatio Detrimentum (Algormentia)

An extremely rare and curious affliction appears to be creeping up on it's latest (and last) victim. This mysterious malady has not been clinically identified by medical science yet, and luckily, threatens fewer direct subjects than smallpox.
Although the disorder is not fatal, those afflicted often become fatalistic, to the degree of questioning whether the sun will even rise tomorrow.

Imperator Decertatio Detrimentum, commonly known as Algormentia (named for its first victim), was first detected in November of 2000. Initial symptoms were mistakenly attributed to fatigue and stress. However, when the subject began displaying irrational behavior (unwillingness to accept reality) and exhibited paranoia (as evidenced by conspiratorial fantasies), rediagnosis seemed in order. Further observation of the subject revealed other symptons such as weight gain, isolation, and unexpected facial hair.

A paradox of the condition is that while it's two sufferers must live the remainder of their lives with the stigma and sense of loss brought on by the disease, the rest of the country, and in fact the world, has benefitted greatly from it's existence.

***This is a post I began a month ago, after John Kerry made some bitter remarks about Bush. I shelved it (and forgot about it with all the attention on Schiavo and the Pope...) and I plan to augment it later, with concrete examples of my main point here.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

I'm sorry for absence

My apologies to whomever may have chanced upon this blog (or especially those who entered here intentionally) and found it neglected for the last 2 weeks.
A combination of work-access changes and house-sitting for someone had limited my access to a PC. Unfortunately, the work related issue remains, so we'll see how often I'll be able to write. Not that anyone gives a damn, anyway.