
Friday, February 11, 2005


Welcome to a brand new blog (as if the world needs another one, eh?), by an early inhabitant of the Blogoshere.

I've only just begun, as the Carpenters sang, so please be patient with the development of this site.
By way of introduction, let me say say that I'm a political junkie (would you not agree that CSPAN is one of the greatest gifts to the electorate?) intrigued by the process, but truly compelled by the ideals and principles that animate and govern our political discourse. I'm passionately interested in learning what others think about a whole host of important topics, and fascinated with the world views that guide and inform those opinions.
I love a spirited and vigorous, but principled, debate, and I lament the absence of specificity I see within almost all dialogues between the left and the right.
At the same time, I'm often bothered by the neglect by those involved to periodically revisit The Goal. As I follow debates about some program, policy, or even personal and business plans, I frequently ask myself: What is The Goal, here? What are we trying to accomplish?
Are we losing sight of The Goal, buried in the process, somehow?
Now, a pertinent example would be a very welcome thing indeed. You're probably muttering to yourself, "what the hell is this fellow babbling on about, anyway?" (I just found myself asking me that very question.)
And... I'll hafta get back to you on that. At the moment, I'm too anxious to get this initial posting posted, so that I can see what the heck this thing is going to look like!

As a general rule, I'm quite utilitarian, desiring substance over symbolism..more concerned with the content of one's character than the color of one's skin...I'd prefer a grubby, scuffed up quarter to a shiny new nickel.. a well worn paperback copy of In His Steps is more precious to me than a newly printed and bound copy of My Life autographed by Bill himself...you get the idea. My way of saying: don't expect too much from me in the way of site design. But I would like to make this another clearinghouse for some great opinion writers I've run accross out there, as well as a place to pour my own thoughts, and especially to see some dialogue on current issues and always-relevant topics in life and culture.